Horn hunter finds world class Boone and Crockett record elk antlers
Released on = December 15, 2005, 6:59 pm
Press Release Author = WhiteGyr, Web Page Design
Industry = Accounting
Press Release Summary = Dan Antila, renowned Montana elk horn hunter, found a set of elk antlers which score 390+ using the Boone and Crockett trophy big game scoring system. The minimum entry score for the American typical elk recognized by the Boone and Crockett Club is now 360 points. This set of elk antlers is the largest known set found in 2005 and would qualify to be included in the "Records of North American Big Game" if these were not sheds. This animal is assumed still alive in the mountains of Montana.
Press Release Body = Dan Antila, a resident of Elliston, Montana and legendary elk horn hunter found his largest set of matching elk antlers this March on a windy, snow-blown hogback outside of Montana's famous wilderness areas. Dan starts his search for trophy elk antlers each year in the spring, the prime time for finding antlers that have been shed by elk each year. He schedules his hunts to collect these antlers as soon as possible after they are dropped. His objective is to collect undamaged antlers in as close proximity to their original drop spot.
The competition for collecting shed elk antlers has increased over the past five years from around a dozen really dedicated horn hunters to closer to fifty individuals that scour the wintering elk range areas with fine tooth scrutiny. Dan uses a four wheel ATV on which he puts around two thousand miles a year to get deep into the winter elk range and then starts the real search on foot. Dan's daily search starts around four in the morning and ends long after the sun goes down.
Dan has collected thousands of antlers over the years and many of the matching sets have scored well above the minimum requirements for entry into the famous "Boone and Crockett" record book. The secret to Dan's success is the love of the hunt! Not only is he a renowned "horn hunter" but also enjoys the hunt for the live animal as well.
The Boone and Crockett Club is responsible for records of North American big game in order to provide a comparison of trophy size and quality. In response to public interest and increased hunting by the public, the Club established an official measurement and scoring system for trophy big game in the 1920's. The National Collection and the measurement system were initially conceived to record North American big game. The scientific community and Boone and Crockett club members recognized that the system was an effective means of tracking the success of new conservation policies. The ranking of trophies now occurs during a three year period, followed by the public display of the best of the trophies from each category. Presentation of Boone and Crockett Club big game medals recognizes superior trophy excellence. The highest ranked trophies in each category are invited to a "Final Awards Judging". These trophies are measured again by a judge's panel and are eligible for additional awards.
Early in the spring of 2005 Danny was looking through his Swarovski 80mm spotting scope when the bright ivory white tines of the shed antler came into view. No more than ten feet away lay the other matching side to the set. Dan put his spotting scope away and eagerly started down the barren ridge toward the largest set of shed antlers he has yet found in his fourteen year reign as the top horn hunter in Montana. Dan Antila is the proprietor of http://www.elk-mounts.com and sells trophy elk antler for taxidermy use and mounting.
Web Site = http://www.whitegyr.com
Contact Details = Millard Hiner
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